Poor Lifestyles See Indian Teens Fall Prey To Ovarian Disorders

He added that the symptoms usually develop around late teens and early 20s, adding that teenagers suffering from PCOS can often develop depression or poor self esteem because of the effect of the other symptoms.

"It becomes challenging for some teenagers in future when they plan to have children," he said.

According to Shivani Sachdev Gour, director of SCI Healthcare, PCOS if untreated can lead to many other complications, including cancer.

"Type 2 diabetes due to insulin resistance, cholesterol and lipid abnormalities, increased risk of cardiovascular problems, abnormal uterine bleeding, infertility due to hormonal imbalance, depression and increased risk of uterine cancer due to exposure to unopposed estrogen are some of the harmful effects of untreated PCOS," Gour told.

Chadha said that PCOS can be diagnosed by symptoms and signs, ultrasound and hormone analysis, adding that various hormone tablets are available if women do not wish to conceive.

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Source: IANS