Seven Most Unforgettable Moments From The 88th Academy Awards

BENGALURU­: The Oscar 2016, which was anticipated to deliver a good show and was under the radar for the past two months because of all the surrounding controversy created by individuals and social media definitely made an impact and complied with touchstones.

Beginning with Chris Rock’s monologue on the #OscarSoWhite controversy and with him imparting a new meaning to the term “he went there,” there were many other spectacular moments that will be remembered and circle the social media for the coming few months.

Leonardo DiCaprio (finally) wins coveted Oscar

“I don’t take this night for granted,” said Leo in his acceptance speech at the 88th Academy Awards where he won the much deserved Oscar as the best actor for his performance in “The Revenant.”

Leo had to wander the woods, wrestle bears and sleep inside a horse to make it to the top, but it was all worth it to finally get his golden prize.

After six nominations for his amazing performances, finally after winning the award he was heralded with a standing ovation. Thereafter, he made a torrid plea for everyone to take action against the climate change and its effects, and to cognize the importance of it to restore balance on Earth.

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