World's Top Alcohol Consuming Nations

Another European country that is known for its alcohol consumption is Germany. It is popular for hosting the trendiest and the largest beer festival, the Oktoberfest. Germany’s per capita alcohol consumption is 170.2 litres. About 73 percent of all alcohol consumed there is beer, while wine takes up an average of 18 percent.  Since the German laws in regulating alcohol use and sale are some of the least restrictive ones, the country is the fourth highest in alcohol usage.

Estonians are true beer lovers. Their per capita alcohol consumption is 185.5 litres which secures the third position. In this part of Europe, more than 68 per cent of all alcoholic drinks are beer, along with vodka, which also makes a strong presence. The country is famous for attracting a high number of tourists because of its low-cost alcohol.

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