World's Top Alcohol Consuming Nations

The country is known for its pubs and heavy drinking. It has been recognized with over-consumption of alcoholic beverages and stands at the second position. The Per capita alcohol consumption of Ireland is 195.6 litres. About 72 percent of the drinks are combined with alcohol whereas wine is preferred next, making a total of 13 per cent. Perry and cider are also preferred by 10 per cent of the crowd in Ireland.

#1.Czech Republic
The country’s capital, Prague, is well known for the culture that it has inherited into its people. The destination is quite synonymous with late night parties and festivities. Beer is the most preferred beverage in Czech Republic and about 83 per cent of the crowd there opts for beer than anything else. The per capita alcohol consumption of this European country is 210.4 litres and it is ranked at number1 for its utmost loyalty towards alcohol.

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