Top 10 Indian States for Economic Freedom

Himachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh has dropped from its third place in 2005 to fifth in 2009 which it has kept with an increase in the economic freedom ratio. The ratio was 0.48 in 2005, it increased to 0.52 in 2011 and still it’s a decline. Himachal Pradesh has shown most prominent improvement in the regulation of labour and business, on this index it is placed at the second position after Gujarat.

Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh is on the sixth place, and it has shown a rise and fall trend in its overall economic freedom rating ratio since 2005. In 2005 the ratio was 0.40 with seventh rank, in 2009 it increased to 0.51 and its position jumped to third place and in 2011 the ratio is still 0.51, but has dropped in its position. Andhra Pradesh receives most of its state income from agriculture. It has improved its ranking on the size of government rating from twelfth position to the eighth position over the years.

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