Mobile Addiction Inflicts Indian Doctors; 10 Pct Check Messages in OT

Bangalore: Advancement in the field of Information Technology has now hit the medical sector too. With the development in this field, it has not only enhanced the treatment of the patient but it has also been noticed that most of the medical staff like nurses, technicians and some doctors usually use their phones even at the most crucial times like surgery, according to a study by a Delhi-based NGO ‘Heart Care Foundation of India’, reported Sumitra Deb Roy for TOI.

The study was carried out among 25 nurses, 25 office staff of a public company, 25 media person and 87 physicians from all across the capital city.

An enormous 90 percent nurses and 50 percent technicians confessed to answering calls throughout the process and a 10 percent admitted to glance at the text messages, as per the survey.

Doctors on the other hand refused to take calls throughout the process but a 10 percent of them admitted to glance at the text messages. Operation theatre (OT) technicians disclosed that they have checked social networking site at the time of a surgery.

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