Is Google Really Eating Into Wikipedia Page Views?

Bangalore: Have you Google searched for some information recently and were you surprised to see Wikipedia below  5  in the list of answers? Well don’t be. It has been confirmed by many users that Wikipedia is not showing up as the first source of information on the internet anymore. Wikipedia gets millions of hits annually and the trend has now declined globally by huge margin of 12 percent last year. What caused the decline is a puzzle yet to be solved as reported by Times of India.

Wikipedia was launched in 2001 as an online encyclopedia and has a vast database. The pages are created and edited by the users themselves and it is the sixth most visited website in the world according to Alexa rankings.

Many Internet observers have stated that the decline in Wikipedia's page hits started when Google launched its Knowledge Graphs project in January 2013. For Eg you search for Rahul Dravid’s debut test match and Google shows the answer in the summary itself on the right hand side of the screen with links to similar topics, pages and images. Hence leaving the user with the information they require without going any further. There seems to be a tough competition between these two information giants.