Collaborative Innovation: The Way Forward For The Semiconductor Industry

Bangalore: The rapid growth of the internet enabled devices presents a significant market opportunity for semiconductor manufacturers. According to Gartner, by 2020, the Internet of Things will reach more than 26 billion connected devices and the total economic value for the Internet of Things will reach $1.9 trillion dollars across a number of industries. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD predicts that by 2022, the average American household will own approximately 50 Internet-connected devices and the global market for connected devices will touch $814.3 billion by 2017 according to IDC, a research firm.

The semiconductor industry is at the helm of the value chain and most device users are not entirely aware of the power of these chips that enable the gamut of features they use regularly. Today, the semiconductor manufacturers are focused on smartphones and tablets and the industry needs collaborative engagements across their value chain to optimize their opportunities. According to a November 2012, Wharton-ATREG study on the Semiconductor Ecosystem, a semiconductor manufacturer can create value from its own products and technologies based on the business ecosystem which includes suppliers, customers and complementors.
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