9 Notorious Threats to Cloud Computing Security

#5 Denial of service:

It’s not the first time that DoS is being featured as a major security threat for organizations. For years, the DoS attacks are considered to be one of the most brutal attacks in the enterprise world. But today, with the cloud era being introduced, DoS attacks have gained more significance since organizations are dependent on internet services 24/7.

DoS attacks can cost customers and service providers’ huge lot of money. But when an attacker fails to knock-off a service, he or she "may still cause it to consume so much processing time that it becomes too expensive for you to run and you'll be forced to take it down yourself," the report says.

#6 The Malicious insider:

Malicious insiders are physical forces, a current or former employee or a business partner who gains access to the network, with the intention for malicious purposes. Malicious insiders are certified to do greater and bigger damage than any other attacks. They often get various levels of access within a cloud computing infrastructure, which also can range from SaaS to PaaS and to IaaS.

"Even if encryption is implement, if the keys are not kept with the customer and are only available at data-usage time, the system is still vulnerable to malicious insider attack," according to CSA.

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