9 Notorious Threats to Cloud Computing Security

#7 Cloud Abuse:

Cloud abuse is a way of attack where the attacker uses the cloud service itself to decode an encryption key. In simple words, the attacker uses the cloud service to launch a DDoS attack or propagates malware to even share pirated software. The hardest part of these attacks is to identifying the pattern of the attacks as its too complicated when compared to others, since when the source itself becomes a cloud service within the organization.

#8 Too Little Knowledge on Cloud Computing:

This is a fact. Most of the companies embrace the cloud technology, without fully understanding its environment and security needs. First of all organizations must understand the contractual issues with providers over liabilities and transparency.  They must ensure that the development team is familiar with the cloud and its associated technology. If not, then they must train the group in an appropriate manner. An inexperienced group can always be a primary source to a security attack.

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