8 Best IT Resolutions for 2013

Get your financial house in order:

It’s quite often we see IT companies getting into trouble after migrating into cloud infrastructure. Organizations often find it difficult to cope with cloud, as they run out of sensitive data and insufficient funds.

"For 2013, I'm resolving to get better at tracking my costs and tracking my revenue," says Corey Kos, enterprise architect for the state of Alaska. "If you're going to go to any cloud-based infrastructure and do any usage-sort of capacity, then your chargebacks need to be bullet-proof."

Become buddies with CMO:

If you are thinking of accomplishing any of your targets in 2013, then the first thing to you should do to be friends with your Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). "If you're in a consumer-driven industry, you need to get very close to the CMO because that's where the real innovation and strategic investment is going to happen," says Frank Gens, chief analyst for IDC. "With trends such as social technologies, it's not about employees; it's about customers.''

One of the key challenges for organizations is to analyze and integrate data from popular social media sites and to use them with their back end business systems. CMOs are one of the important parts of these integrational procedures as in 2013 the focus will be on these executives.

"Almost 60 pct of new IT investment in 2013 will involve Line of Business executives," Gens says. "About 25 pct of new IT investments are going to be where the Line of Business executive is the decision maker, and that 25 pct will go up to 40 pct by 2016. There's a tide rising where Line of Business executives are gaining more control over IT. This doesn't mean that IT is out, but IT needs to make those relationships with other executives work."



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