12 Transformations That Will Revamp Software Industry By 2015

5. Microsoft’s Monopoly
What Is Leading To This Change: Web apps
What Is Changing: Introduction of HTML5 has established that software can be written for browsers only and it need not be operating system centric anymore.
Whose Gain: Cloud and Web companies, software developers and Linux vendors.
Whose Loss: No one but Microsoft but it is trying desperately not be left out.

6. Where We Use Software
What Is Leading To This Change: Mobile computing
What Is Changing: With the cloud technology on the rage, people don’t want their software to be stuck to one system. Instead they want it to be accessible anywhere on any device.
Whose Gain: Everyone. Employees as they get the freedom to work from anywhere. They can now work even while relaxing on a beach or while watching a soccer match. Computing device manufacturers like Google, Apple, etc. as people will use more number of devices to separate work from their social life. Network companies like Cisco, Verizon and AT&T.
Whose Loss: Companies which are still blind-eyed towards mobile computing.