10 Best NoSQL Databases

#8 Riak:

Developed by Basho Technologies, Riak is a NoSQL database that mainly offers support to both JavaScript and Erlang. Inspired from Amazon’s Dynamo Paper, Riak has a default backend storage, particularly for core shard-partitioned spacing. This database offers a flexible value store, which provides consistency to the data stored across a collection of nodes. The interesting fact in this storage process is that the data can grow whenever demand increases.

Riak queries each node, gathers the results, and repeats the process for better outcome. The system also offers full-text indices for Solr-like searching and a control panel for watching over each cluster.

#7 Couch DB:

Apache Couch DB or simply Couch DB, is an open source database that completely embraces the web.  Couch DB is a NoSQL database that uses JSON documents to store data. Created in 2005 under former IBM Lotus notes developer Damien Katz, Couch DB was initially used as storage system for large scale databases till it became an Apache project in 2008. Still number of companies like the BBC and Credit Suisse uses Couch DB’s dynamic content platforms to store configuration details for its marketing data framework. CouchDB is available under the Apache License 2.0.

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