10 Best NoSQL Databases

#6 Neo4j:

Neo4j is an open-source graph database, primarily implemented in Java. According to the developers Neo4j is an "embedded, disk-based, fully transactional Java persistence engine that stores data structured in graphs rather than in tables". The community edition of the database is licensed under the free GNU General Public License (GPL) v3. The additional modules, such as online backup and high availability, are licensed under free Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.

Developed by Neo Technology, Neo4j mainly stores relationships between objects, mostly using ‘graph traversals’ that searches and analyzes bonds between objects.

#5 Oracle NoSQL:

The Oracle NoSQL Database is a distributed key-value database. It is designed to provide highly reliability along with scalability. This database stores sensitive data across a pre-set of systems that function as storage nodes. Oracle NoSQL offers better protection when compared to other databases as it can acknowledge the number of data being stored on one node also it can formulate the system to wait till the data is successfully backed up across the network.

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