10 Tips to Ease Public Cloud Security Concerns

Bangalore: One of the hottest trend in today’s tech industry- Cloud computing has already secured its base at the pinnacle of technology platform. With its fast outspread, many companies have already implemented the technology in their respective sectors. And there is another half, who stands apart due to the upcoming concerns in cloud, especially in the security divison. Security always is a major concern in both- public and private clouds. But these concerns can be eased off with a simple combination of third party tools which are trustworthy. Also organizations should better their service level agreements before making the move.

One such example is tech giants like Amazon Web Services, Rackspace and Terremark have already implemented layer 2 virtual LAN technology in their public clouds. This makes customers to connect with respective clouds using VPN clients or site VPN terminations, which makes the public cloud more secure similar to private cloud.

It’s up to organizations to decide how deep their concern is, depending upon the amount of critical data they deal and the security for the above mentioned data. So with that here are 10 better ways to alleviate security issues concerned with public clouds.