Obama Lays A Boulevard of Dreams Before India

Red Tape to be replaced with Red Carpet: A high level U.S.-India Strategic and Commercial Dialogue is to hit the road as announced by Obama to monitor the progress in pacts laid by Obama and Modi.No Red Tapism The main purpose is that this mechanism holds bureaucracies of both the nations accountable for translating the vision of the two leaders into reality. For that vision to take a physical shape India needs to cut the barriers that have been holding back the investors. Obama said India still had "too many barriers, hoops to jump through, bureaucratic restrictions that make it hard to start a business or export or import or close a deal". Obama therefore looks forward to a business environment that is more transperant and accountable.

Clean Energy Given Utter Importance: Energy basket was given a significant value throughout the meet. Both the leaders promised to work together to achieve the energy goals by focusing on air quality and increasing share of renewable. Specific initiatives in regard to the clean energy mainly address India’s domestic priorities and needs like improving urban air quality. American loans for renewable energy projects are green bonds, venture capital and pension funds are on the cards after Obama and Modi pledged to collaborate in the area of clean energy and combat climate change.

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