Apple's Income And Its Whereabouts

BANGALORE: Topping the charts of the most valued brand is Apple followed by Samsung in line to others which is quite a feat in this innovative daily. Apple the brand globally known since its first release has always been in news for its products, innovative accessories and other of its tech genius implementation.

True to the brand value, Apple has a reputation also for its market value so to its share value is redundant with its public offering along with its shares, which are bought out instantly as soon as it hits market. All of this may amount to the amounts of sales it makes on its products, so here we analyze Apple’s income cataloguing the products on basis of income it is raising reports Business Insider.

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The lion share in the Apple product line-up   is taken by iPhone, with a model a year being released one beguiling the other and with the latest ones in 2014. The overall income from iPhones for the year 2014 is $101,991lakh out of $182,795 lakh which makes iPhone sales over 50 percent as a whole.

The Apple iPhone being a rope in from all sectors making it to the top, with around 500 million sets sold.

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