Revealed: Morning Reading Habits Of The Most Successful People

David Heinemeier

David Heinemeier, the Danish programmer and the creator of the programming language ‘Ruby on Rails’ is also a prolific writer. He has co-authored books such as ‘Agile web development with rails’ and ‘Getting real, rework and remote.’ He prefers the digital media for his daily news updates. Reddit, Hacker News, Engadget, Boing Boing, twitter and the Economist together fulfill his information need.

Jeffery R Immelt

Jeffery R Immelt, the CEO of General Electric also holds the position of ‘Chairperson of the president’s council on jobs and competitiveness.’ At one point he worked as one of the main economic adviser of president Obama. He treads cautiously amidst the information overload and chooses his daily reads prudently. He reads the Wall Street Journal from the centre section to the end; the FTIndex and second section from the Financial Times; only the business page of the New York Times; the sports section, business page and life section of USA Today.

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