Revealed: Morning Reading Habits Of The Most Successful People

David Cush

Here’s a man who takes Benjamin Franklin’s words-Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise- quite seriously. The CEO of Virgin America is an early riser; he reportedly wakes up at 4.15 AM each day. Once he’s done with sending mails and making the regular calls, he heads to the gym. He listens to the Dallas sports radio while working out in the gym. The next slot in his daily routine is allotted to the news papers. He reads the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the San Francisco Chronicle and the Financial Times.

Dave Girouard

Dave Girouard, the former president of Google Enterprise and founder of Upstart, is a self confessed fan of Winston Churchill. He’s fond of sharing Churchill’s quotes and facts about Churchill on google+. So, it’s not surprising that Winston Churchill occupies a prominent place in his morning reading sessions. He is currently reading “Never Give In! The Best of Winston Churchill Speeches”. For his daily dose of news updates, he reads the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

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