'Make in Rural India'- The Key To Drive In Heterogeneous Markets

BANGALORE: The father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi said “India lives in Villages and its true spirits lives in rural areas”. Rural India is the real face of India as it includes over 50 percent of the Indian population.

There was a time when rural India was pictured as of wrecked villagers, kids with distended bellies and ragged clothes and a future as grim as the fractured, sun-baked earth.

But the picture has changed drastically over the past few years which not only equipped the villagers to find a self sufficient way of living but also made rural India a huge consumer market. There are plenty of reasons that are contributing towards rural India’s growth, at the same time there are some factors that needed to be looked upon with deeper concerns.

# Need To Urbanize Rural India

A major part of the Indian economy still lies in the rural areas and villages of the country. Though a huge mass of people are constantly moving to the urban sectors, development of the villages cannot be neglected. With their excellent managerial and entrepreneurial skills, few Indian startups have taken up the duty to raise the standard of living in Indian villages and have been really successful at it.

From establishing rural banks for the labors and workers to generating home based businesses for women, there are few Indian startups like, InThree, Evomo, NanoPix and iKure Techsoft have setup benchmarks for the younger generation.

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