Women's Era: 9 Female Billionaires Around The World

BANGALORE: In this male-dominated world, women have proved their mettle. They have managed to come out shining with great passion in all the fields. From CEOs to entrepreneurs and from celebrity role models to billionaire activists, where aren’t they?

It is their hard work, determination and constant dedication that women have established, maintained and developed a status and a few women who are piled with assets, money, wealth or great possessions, abundant resources, and funds have set the examples that they do have pockets filled with billions.

And if you have the curiosity to know more about these brave and strong women who are piled up with cash, here is the list as compiled by trending report.

# Christy Walton
Net Worth- $36.7 Billion

WaltonChristy Walton is the widow of John T. Walton, one of the sons of Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart. After John's death in June 2005, she inherited his fortune of $18.2 billion. Being a philanthropist, Walton has contributed billions from her net worth to charity.

According to Forbes, she is the 6th richest person in the United States, and the 10th richest person in the world, as of November 2013. Forbes reported that she was the richest woman in the world for seven years running, and still held the title in March 2014.

 As of March 2014, she and her family had an estimated net worth of $39.9 billion, the bulk of which comes from her shares in Walmart and a solar panel maker in which her husband invested.

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