India's 9 Prominent Brand Battles

Bangalore: ‘Face is the reflector of mind’ and thus, the ads can be considered as the reflector of the brands. With the increase of media’s reach, most of the brands have started using the electronic media as a platform to describe themselves; ads are their only way to achieve this glory.

However, some of the brands are using ads as a medium to express their superiority over the other similar brands. These sorts of rivalries can be seen with brands from all perspective of the business world. Below are India’s most notable brand battles that have been running since ages, as listed by Economic Times.  

1. Reckitt Benckiser Vs HUL

The thirty years old war between these two brands went straight to the kitchen this time. As soon as the UK based firm, Reckitt Benckiser started airing its dishwashing gel’s ads, HUL filed a case against them in the Calcutta High Court.

The ad for Reckitt Benckiser showed that Dettol Kitchen works better than HUL’s Vim. Later, after the petition of HUL got declined in the Calcutta High Court, it gave a severe reply to the rival company with an ad which said, Lifebuoy works better than Dettol.

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