8 Biggest Product Flops Ever

BANGALORE: Launching a product is not cake walk and is a pretty hard thing to do. Sometimes good companies make very bad decisions and going by this cliché. With this in mind, we have highlighted some of the most heavy-hitting names in business—from Pepsi to Netflix, Microsoft to McDonald's—who have had some of the biggest flops, as reported by Drake Baer and Jay Yarow, of Business Insider.

1957—Ford Edsel
The fact that the Ford Edsel is known as ‘The Titanic of Automobiles,' speaks volumes about the car's dismal performance. Even though the car was launched amidst much hype in 1957, and showrooms were packed with curious consumers at first, the car never lived up to the expectations and only 64,000 were sold during its life span of three years in the market. Ford invested a whopping $400 million into its making, but the Americans literally weren't buying it, due to the fact that they wanted smaller and more economic vehicles.
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