3 Ways Social Media Marketing Can Affect Your Business

BANGALORE: Social-media marketing is creating a great buzz in the online world in today’s date. Gone are the days when certain sites like Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, MySpace and Instagram were only used as ways of connecting with friends. Today, all the organizations around the world have realized the true potential of these sites and are using them for promoting their business.

Employing the right social-media strategies can prove to be a perfect way for businesses to reach out to their target market and reap in excellent rewards in the form of increasing sales and profits. However, bad social-media efforts can not only create a huge dent in the reputation of a business, but also drive away prospective customers.

Let’s have a look at some of the mistakes made by social media networking that can hurt your business:

1. Not responding to customers

There are very few customers who actually do post comments for the brands they like. Thus when you receive such comments you must address them all and post about your firm’s product and services. It does not matter at all whether the comments are positive or negative, you must answer them all.

Never try to delete the negative reviews instead respond to them quickly, even if it means emailing or calling unsatisfied customers directly. This will put your company in a better light as quick responses are often appreciated by customers and who knows, your critics may go on to become your most loyal fans.