3 Ways Social Media Marketing Can Affect Your Business

2. Posting ,Tweeting and Pinning Without a Strategy

This is the easiest way to waste time and money on social media marketing. Without a strategy, you might be posting, tweeting and pinning up a storm  without a way of knowing if you are successful or not. A strategy for social media marketing must involve clear, measurable goals so that you can evaluate if you are successful or not and adjust your social media activities accordingly if the results are not the way you want.

In a way all of the items that follow are different things that can happen when you aren’t using social media strategically. 

3. Not understanding your customers needs

Being a brand do you really know what your potential customers need and want? Do you understand their challenges and can clearly describe how you are the best person to help them? Thus whenever you create your marketing plan, try to define the characteristics of your ideal client and think what they desperately need that you can fill and then provide the solution better than anyone else. 

The more you know about your customers and what keeps them up at night, the more effective your marketing efforts will be. Study your best customers and think why they chose your business. Get to know your ideal client intimately so you can produce the results they are looking for.