
Innovative Ways to Ride on Big Data

Raj Sabhlok
President, -ManageEngine
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Raj Sabhlok
Headquartered in Pleasanton, California, ManageEngine is a provider of enterprise IT management software. Founded in 1996, Manage Engine is established as a division of Zoho Corporation in 2001.

Every minute, 48 hours of video content is uploaded on YouTube, Google search receives over 2 million queries, over one million tweets are sent and nearly 600 new websites are created. Data deluge across business sectors is on the rise. All this data sitting on the server is of no use until enterprises extract value from them. There are some very exciting and surprising ways Big Data can be leveraged across sectors. A quick look across the business landscape reveals some powerful use of Big Data that may help get your creative juices flowing on how it can work for you.

Data for Sustainable Healthcare System

Healthcare organisations can harness Big Data to build sustainable healthcare system, improve quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery by engaging with patients and increasing access to healthcare.

Big Data can also foster personalized medical treatment. One such example could be the introduction of GPS enabled trackers to monitor inhaler usage by asthmatics. With this data, a healthcare company can understand the most common geographic location that triggers a patient’s health problems. With this, physicians can strategically develop personalized treatment plans and be available to the patients always. It also provides scope for healthcare companies to track higher-risk patients and give them targeted messages.
This is just one example; imagine where the healthcare industry in India will reach with such a use of Big Data.

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