What Rich People Know But You Don't

Bangalore: People, who are rich, tend to stay rich. They manage well to maintain their wealth due to some hidden rules, as said be Dan Solin, the author of ‘The Smartest 401(K) Book You’ll Ever Read’. He has put forward these wise ways of the wealthy which keeps them well-heeled and rich. If you want to become rich, then you must know these secrets, even if you don’t have enough money to begin with.

1. The Difference Between Luck and Skill

Have you noticed a patent disclaimer of mutual funds ads, - ‘past performance is no guarantee of future results’. Well rich peoples do not miss out on such notices. Before you invest your hard earned money through an investment manager, you need to understand the difference between random chance and provable expertise. Your investor manager may profess of being able to beat the market. If you do a fine study, you may find out that the man who claimed so much to beat the market is no more skilled man but a luckier brat. So you should be wise enough to differentiate between ‘luck’ and ‘skill’.