8 Useless Things Rich People Waste Their Money On

5. Houses

If you visit the mansion of some rich business mogul you may feel as if you are in a resort house. Their house have golf course, swimming pool, helipad, huge living room and a water front.  You won’t believe but their house spread across huge piece of land which is equal to a small Indian village in area.  A house is a basic need of person but having such a huge house which is bigger than life, doesn’t seems to be a smart purchase. Just imagine if the house owner forgets the car key in his bedroom, he will have to walk all the way i.e. more than a mile (exaggeratingly) to get the key.

More: Poverty Stricken India Spends Highest on Leisure

6. Servants

Who doesn’t like to be cared and pampered? We love to be loved. Having servants to manage your house and assist you in your daily work is acceptable. But the concept of live–ins servants, who live in your household 24x7 like one of your family member, sound a bit shabby. How would you feel if you have always employees standing around you? You may neither feel privacy nor peace in your own house. It is not a good idea of making a house like an office building, but elites to so.

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