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October-2001  issue
Career Wize
To enter the supply chain field, you have three available choices — you can start as a buyer/planner/scheduler in a company; you can be an engineer designing supply chain software; alternately, you can be an IT consultant and advise... more>>
Cover Feature
In early 2000, at the peak of the CLEC boom, the challengers to incumbent Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs) represented... more>>
“Optical is still good stuff,” assures Sycamore Chairman Desh Deshpande, as if addressing a loss of credibility for his... more>>
It is tragic that society has implicitly assumed that the corporate sector, represented by multinational companies (MNCs) will... more>>
Last year, former Harvard professor Amar Bhide wrote “The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses,” a book based on hundreds... more>>
During the recent period of irrational exuberance on Wall Street, some analysts were virtually deified, and their... more>>
Just as we were going to press with this issue, the horrific, mind-numbing terrorist attack took place on September 11, against... more>>
Imagine a capsule inserted in a diabetic’s body that could secrete insulin in a regular, controlled stream and not be... more>>
In a quiet, upscale area of San Ramon, Calif., history is being made. Stooped over a 500-pound bluish-gray console at the San... more>>
Works That Inspires I read with great pride the August 2001 issue of siliconindia, especially the description of Narpat... more>>
In 1976, when six people left Indian giant DCM to start a computer company, many of their friends may have thought them a... more>>
Most people who find a comfortable and lucrative job stay in it for the course of their professional lives. Kiran Patel is not... more>>
As he sits in his office exuding poise and self-confidence, it is hard to imagine that Parmeet Chaddha ever doubted his own... more>>
It’s a brutal time to be an entrepreneur. It’s also a time when journalists like us need to look back and reflect on how we... more>>
McKinsey is a private company. Not only in the sense that 900 partners jointly own the 75-year-old firm, but also in the sense... more>>
As he sits in his office exuding poise and self-confidence, it is hard to imagine that Parmeet Chaddha ever doubted his own... more>>
Many doubt the presence of any decent product-based tech startups in India. These doubts are fully justified, in a sense, given... more>>
It’s the mantra everyone chants at me: The market’s dried up, there’s no money to invest, VC’s have... more>>
Think of how many times you’ve actually clicked on a banner ad or online marketing campaign. For many Internet users, that... more>>
The Manager Sumit Bothra is the youngest record label manager at Sony Music Entertainment U.K. The son of physicians, he made... more>>
We discussed the traditional sales process in the last column. Read it again. It is a process with many flaws. It burns out the... more>>