Young, Famous and Rich: Tale of 10 Incredible Teens

4. Angus T. Jones:

Angus T. Jones, an American teen actor, has an estimated net worth of $15 million. Jones began his career as a child star, before the age of ten, in the late 1990s. He is best known as the ‘half’ in the blockbuster sitcom Two and a Half Men. Jones signed a contract guaranteeing him $7.9 million over two seasons (26 episodes), plus a $500,000 signing bonus. This amounts to $250,000 per episode of Two and a Half Men, making him the highest-paid child-actor in Hollywood. He also appeared in a number of Hollywood features. He is also seen in movies like See Spot Run (2001), Hunter in the outstanding Disney baseball melodrama The Rookie (2002), and George Junior in George of the Jungle 2 (2003).

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