323 Five ways to maintain work-life balance | siliconindia

Five ways to maintain work-life balance

By Kukil Bora, SiliconIndia   |   Wednesday, 13 April 2011, 14:07 IST   |    26 Comments
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Bangalore: Are you feeling overworked? Is finding the balance between work and the rest of your life not working out for you? Don?t get upset, you?re not alone. In this fast moving life we are surrounded by many pressures that we've to deal with every other day. Especially for urban working women, running a home and handling the tight deadlines at work can really be quite a task. Here are few suggestions that can be effective in maintaining a better balancing while playing both the roles. 1. Time management
The time-waster in you steal your productivity in the form of reading email, net surfing, or making personal calls. As a result, you work overtime, more than 10 hours a day. You are way too busy to get off your desk for a lunch break, so you starve instead. You compromise on your social life to finish your monthly projections. By tracking your daily activities, you get to know how did you spend whole day and with such a practice of properly analyzing and scheduling, you can design your day according to your work load to manage your professional and social life better.

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