Five ways to maintain work-life balance

By Kukil Bora, SiliconIndia   |   Wednesday, 13 April 2011, 14:07 IST   |    26 Comments
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2. Use technology
No doubt that personal habits and practices can be very effective in time management, but technology can also be yet another weapon in serving the same. There are several ways a busy executive can make technology more effective for his or her own use. For instance, Microsoft Outlook with Business Contact Manager can be very useful for you in organizing your contacts, with quick and easy access. 3. Leave your work at work
When you go home after your working hours, focus on your family. There is very little that will be that much of an emergency that it can't wait until the next morning. Taking your works at home creates tension and makes you stressful even if you are lying on your bed at home, which will ultimately affect your family as well. Leave work at work.