Will Delhi Gang Rape Impact Tourism in India?

There are some tourists who travelled to India even after they heard about the rape case. However it does concern the women travelers about their safety. As in the case of 26-year-old from Chicago, Alyse Andalman, who was on her way to India to attend a wedding, during the same time, said she was frightened with the details of the report on the rape case, but even then she didn’t cancel the trip.

She said, “Even Indian friends of mine warned me that, as a single female, there were certain things I should steer clear of due to safety concerns,” as reported by New York Times.

The country is in a constant state of flux with social reform movement and safety issues. It’s a prime matter when anyone travels to another place, the degree of safety, especial for women tourist who might reconsider making plans. However, it would take more than the feeling of a casual vacation for some to travel to India now. India has been safe before and during the protest, and the chances remain for it to be safe even now for women tourists in the country.

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