War of Words in LS Polls 2014: 5 Most Shocking Comments Made By Politicians

Roar like a lion or laugh like a hyena: Politics and politicians can indeed bring up any topic anywhere. Over this election season, the politics vibes has even entered the wild animal kingdom when the BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav traded stint remark over Gujarati lions in UP and hyenas from UP in Gujarat.
Modi exclaimed, “Your Chief Minister was asking us for lions. We gave them lions. We had hoped they may draw some strength from seeing the lions.

But they could not handle the Gujarat lions.”
Hitting back at Modi over his dig, Akhilesh said that such statements were not required from BJP’s PM candidate as the lions had been given to the state as “political courtesy.”
“It’s a political courtesy. If they have given us something, we too have returned it. He (Modi) has given us something under exchange and he should also tell that UP had given him “Lakadbhagga” (hyena),” Akhilesh Yadav retorted, adding Gujarat has publicized its handing over lions to UP.
“He should also tell what we has given. I will tell you in detail what the state has given in exchange for lions, which are presently at the Zoo,” added Yadav.

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