The 10 Most Powerful Couples In Tech

#3 Rashmi Sinha & Jon Boutelle

Rashmi Sinha is CEO of SlideShare, a technology company, and a business Women. Playboy Magazine named her as one of America’s Top 10 “sexiest” CEOs.

Jon Boutelle is a cofounder of SlideShare, he is the one who came up with initial idea and wrote first version of site. The site offers users to upload and share publicly or privately, PowerPoint presentations, Word documents and Adobe PDF Portfolios. The company was acquired by LinkedIn for whopping $119 million earlier this year.

#2 Keith Shepherd & Natalia Luckynanova

Kiet Shepherd is the founder of Imagni Studios, creator of Temple Run, Harbor Master and other games.

Natalia Luckynanova is musician, baker, co-founder of Imagni.

When the couple got married they had this idea about starting a business, and with the launch of Apple’s App Store, they seized the opportunity. They started making games for App Store, had few hits before Temple Run which is reported to have 40 million downloads, bringing in ten times the revenue.

#1 Paul Graham & Jessica Livingston

Paul Graham is a computer programmer who built Viaweb in 1995, and it was the one of the rearly e-commerce software. It was sold to Yahoo for whopping $49 million, after this, the software became Yahoo Store.

Jessica Livingston is a founding partner at Y Combinatory, a seed-stage venture firm that invests small amounts in founding teams and provides three-month boot camps in exchange for 2-10% equity. In addition to her work with startups at Y Combinator, she organizes Startup School. She was previously the VP of marketing at an investment bank and is author of Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days. The couple was married in 2008.