Technology Survivors Even After 25 to 50 Years

OLTP - Online Transaction Processing

What it is: Class of systems that facilitate and manage transaction-oriented applications

Year of Release: 1964

The IBM invented OLTP is still in use today in everything from e-commerce to airline reservation systems. IBM while working on Sabre airline reservation system for American Airlines linked 2,000 terminals (thru telephone) to a pair of IBM 5070 computers to handle reservations processing in just seconds which became a huge success.

IBM System/360 mainframe

What it is: Mainframe Systems

Year of Release: 1964

$5 billion -six mutually compatible computers - 40 peripherals that could work together, is all it took IBM to build the mainframe systems which sold like hot cakes at the rate of 10,000 pieces a year. Till date System/360 architecture is used and serves as the much needed backbone for current IBM mainframes.