Revealed: What Steve Jobs And Bill Gates Thought About Each Other

#6 When Apple was thinking about buying NeXT, Gates shredded the company and Jobs. Gates said this to Amelio: "You really think Steve Jobs has anything there? I know his technology, it’s nothing but a warmed-over UNIX, and you’ll never be able to make it work on your machines. Don’t you understand that Steve doesn’t know anything about technology? He’s just a super salesman. I can’t believe you’re making such a stupid decision ... He doesn’t know anything about engineering, and 99 percent of what he says and thinks is wrong. What the hell are you buying that garbage for?"

#7 Gates in an internal email: "Steve Jobs’ ability to focus in on a few things that count, get people who get user interface right, and market things as revolutionary are amazing things"

Gates again internally on iPod: "I think we need some plan to prove that, even though Jobs has us a bit flat footed again, we can move quick and both match and do stuff better."

#8 At the D5 conference, Gates said: "I’d give a lot to have Steve’s taste"

#9 Gates on the iPad: "It’s a nice reader, but there’s nothing on the iPad I look at and say, ‘Oh, I wish Microsoft had done it.’"

#10 Jobs' ultimate take on Microsoft: It has no taste

#11 "The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste, they have absolutely no taste. I don’t mean that in a small way. I mean that in a big way, in the sense that they don’t think of original ideas and they don’t bring much culture into their product."

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