Negotiation, A Much Needed Skill For Entrepreneurs

Negotiation, A Much Needed Skill For Entrepreneurs

Never block

Quite often negotiation comes to the point where the other side will ask you for something that you cannot deliver. In this situation never say no. Blocking is not a good strategy in negotiation, it is true that ‘no’ has to be said when it has to be said, but first you have to be absolutely sure about the necessity. Think about the demand for a moment, think about the pros and cons and hide your frustration or temper. Elaborate to your opposition about the difficulty in comply with the demand, and offer them alternatives. Try to handle the situation in a positive manner so that your opposition will not feel bitter even when you have rejected the proposal. As already said, this will help you to make your opposition feel that you have reached a win-win situation when the truth is far from it.