It's Time Microsoft Strategizes with Windows 8

It’s time for the PCs to change

Even though with constantly negative feedbacks from analysts and IT leads, it is pretty clear that Windows 8 has something that can change the landscape of PCs along with vendors and users across the globe. The potential is very clear, as Windows 8 has changed the thought of a PC from a simple ‘inside machine’ to a more open, interconnected and digital device.

Morris states that the major drawback of Windows 8 is its dual operating system as we all know that there is no need of a dual operating system across the enterprise platform. But the operating system still has a lot of space left as it can be used as a new option for mobiles and tablets across the tech world.

When it comes to tablets, Morris asks "How do we take advantage of iPads in business workflows? How can we use tablets in our business workflows, and which tablets should we use?” Morris believes that if there wasn’t much of a management and security issue, Window RT would surely be a better fit for tablets and Windows 8.

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