Indian IT CEOs to Discuss Hi-Tech Future

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 10 February 2012, 01:03 IST   |    1 Comments
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Indian IT CEOs to Discuss Hi-Tech Future
Rob Nail, CEO of SU, said, "Traditionally, we have always thought locally or in a linear fashion. But when faced with this exponential technological change, where everything is changing every 18 months or so, figuring out that exponential change becomes critical." Wadhwa said, "Practitioners know very well what is happening in their own field, but they don't know what is happening in other fields. And the next big opportunity is going to be at these exponentially growing intersections." It was never thought that health care companies will ever get a competition from data companies like Google. WSU feels that an approach like this will help them understand technologies and their impact on society. Moreover it will also influence to solve many of the problems faced by humanity like poverty, clean drinking water etc.