Indian IT CEOs to Discuss Hi-Tech Future

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 10 February 2012, 01:03 IST   |    1 Comments
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Indian IT CEOs to Discuss Hi-Tech Future
If you are wondering that what is it that attracting the who's who to this tiny university, ten all your queries will be answered on the left wall of Singularity University's main classroom. The wall has nothing but chits that forecast a timeline of possible technological developments that will modify our lives. Listed below are some predictions for the next 10 years: The consequence of medicine on the human brain will lastly be tracked. Robotic exoskeletons will be accessible in numerous countries. 'Healthville' (similar to Farmville, the popular Facebook game) style games will bank up to $20 billion in healthcare costs. The majority cell phone users will have modified artificial-intelligence (AI) 'assistants'. Medical tricorders the devices that can sense, track and analyze health information by means of cloud-based-AI, will soon strike out panel of doctors. SU, founded by Peter Diamandis, Chairman of the X-Prize Foundation - and futurist Ray Kurzweil, in 2009, is committed to practicing for a world where technology is cultivated so rapidly that it becomes difficult to forecast what will happen. Though iPhone 4S represents the first light of personalized AI assistants, its voice assistant Siri still needs substantial growth. Struggle to build up health tricorders have begun in AI with IBM Watson.