Great Mentors Of 9 Famous Tech CEOs

#6 Bill Gates, Microsoft

Mentor: Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway

Yes, the world’s richest man mentors the world’s second richest man. Buffett was introduced to Gates in 1991, by Gate’s mother. But Gates was reluctant to meet him first, thinking that they wouldn’t be having anything in common.  "What were he and I supposed to talk about, P/E ratios?" Gates recalled in an interview for Harvard Business Review.

But, they hit it off immediately with conversations, it ignited Gates’ interest in philanthropy, which made them very good friends, with Buffet donating the bulk of his wealth to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

#5 Larry Page, Google

Mentors: Michael Bloomberg, Founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Steve Jobs

Apple may be a rival to Google but the man who inspired and gave lecture to Larry Page was Steve Jobs,

Page recalled in an interview with Bloomberg, “While Jobs was sick, we met to chat about business. Jobs had a lot of interesting insights about how to run a company and that was pretty much what we discussed."  Jobs encouraged me to get rid of everything in Google that wasn't working, and focus on the things that make Google great, like search,” continued Page.

Michael Bloomberg, the founder of Bloomberg L.P had also influenced Page for his use of large open areas with no walls of separation in the office, which according to Page make business more efficient.