Facebook's 11 Biggest Launches That Didn't Impress Us

#5 Beacon is the original flop

Facebook came up with novel idea “Beacon”, a service that announced your e-commerce behavior to your friends. Users weren’t keen about it, and Facebook didn’t take much time to bog it down. However, the company used the same concept later in its ad products. ‘Beacon’ was been Facebook’s biggest high profile product launch and  its biggest failure too.

#4 Facebook had to rethink Places

When Foursquare, the free app that helps you and your friends make the most of ‘where you are’ with personalized recommendations and deals, got viral with users, Facebook decided to do its own check-in feature called “Places”. This feature, however, was a week late to take on with Foursquare, which by the time had gained loyalty of users. Facebook rebuilt Places to be a standard part of its mobile app. Some people still use the location feature, so it's not a total loss.

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