Delhi and Mumbai Among Top Four World Cities With Excess Population

As for Delhi and Mumbai there is an expected increase in population by 29 percent during the same period from 2010 to 2050, however even then it is less than the prior growth rate which it showed until 2010.

Dakha shows a high rate of increase in population at 43 percent, in the last 15 years. This is the rate with which Karachi is growing at present. Lagos, a city in Nigeria will scale up to 49 percent of population growth by 2025 as speculated by the report.

The State of the World’s report has made a new attempt to present prosperity; it brings together the five dimensions for a better future for all.  The dimensions are productivity, infrastructure, quality of life, equity and environmental sustainability. The idea is to live in a city and enjoy a city life and all these five dimensions play a prominent part in building the city towards prosperity by providing an equal opportunity for all. Also considered are the extent a city can cope with the advancements of time, production and population.

Also Read: 10 Global Cities with Least Opportunities