Delhi and Mumbai Among Top Four World Cities With Excess Population

Bangalore: Cities with the increasing rate of population has always been an area of concern for many reasons. As per a UN report -State of The World’s City 2012-13, it now appears that the cities will pose difficulty to deal with the increase in population. The cities can’t provide the proper condition and support for this rise in population. Some of these cities say ‘no more’ to the increase in the number of inhabitants.

As in case of Delhi, it is showing the second highest population increase just after Tokyo, which once was not even in the top ten cities with high rate of population. The UN Report also states that Delhi will keep the second position until 2025. Along with Delhi, Mumbai is on the list at the fourth place and it was once on the fifth place. In next 13 years it will make the third place as reported by Dipak Kumar Dash for TNN.

The report also speculates that Delhi in 2025 will take a load of 28.6 million people, a 29 percent hike in population. Even then it still will be less than Tokyo which will show 37.1 million on board. Mumbai in the same period of time will have a population of 25.8 million.

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