Can we accept "300 Ramayanas"?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 25 October 2011, 23:24 IST   |    9 Comments
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Historians and Professors at the history department have argued on the moot point-"The essay shows the diversity and plurality in our society". They feel all the controversial translations in Ramajunam's essay are directly from actual Ramayanas that have been rendered in different traditions. In other words, Ramajunam has not added anything on his own. He has merely shown how the great epic has been incorporated in different cultures and traditions across the country. Ramayana and Mahabharata are scriptures that have been recreated many times by several cultures in India, with the original Valmiki Ramayana also having different readings. Intolerance towards such a scholarly essay by an expert historian does not augur well for the plurality of our country, feel academicians.