Build a Startup to Graduate from These Universities


MIT is far more quant heavy than Stanford’s free thinking, post it loving design school. Students are developed, and lead through a rigorous and analytical step by step process on forming a team, charting a business plan, raising funds and combating any legal issue. It can be jokingly called a bootcamp for nerds.

It is much evident that the alumni’s have subsequently made billions of dollars in shareholders values and have raised additional millions of dollars from investors. This institution can proudly boast its star products like- Lark, a silent alarm and a sleep sensor, and Hubspot, yet another marketing software for small and mid-sized businesses. The entrepreneurial course in this institution has been successfully functioning for several decades and is currently thought by the co-founder of Battery Ventures, Howard Anderson. He remains quite clear with what he is looking for and says he is not looking for “cute little nonprofits”.