Brand Licensing & Merchandises Mapping Up India's New Growth License

Films have always been a very good platform for licensed merchandise. The upcoming Boollywood movie Krrish 3 which portrays the story of a super hero is already expected to make 18-20 crore through sales of branded merchandise, licensed online games etc. This film is expected to top even Ra One which allegedly spent upwards of 50 lakhs for merchandised products alone.

Brand merchandises are not only limited to films. Next time when you go to a mall, just take a look around and you will find them everywhere. The angry bird’s footwear is available at almost all popular footwear outlets like Bata.

But the problem in India is the idea of licensing is struck within a very narrow space. Most of the licensed products belong to the international brands and mostly the plan is focused on kids specially. Infact many feel that brand licensing is more successful among children.

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