Is your boring job leading you to burnout?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 12 July 2011, 00:22 IST   |    12 Comments
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Bangalore: Each morning you wake up and crib about going to work. When you are at office, you feel the clock hardly ticks and at the end of the day you can?t wait to get out of office. In simple words, you are bored of your job. What should be done? Researchers of University of Zaragoza in Spain believe that if you do not do something about your job and continue to get bored, it will eventually lead to a burn out. Burnout is a psychological term for the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest. Sometimes only a change of viewpoint is needed to convert a tiresome duty into an interesting opportunity so here are a few tips on how you can save yourself from burn out: Create New Challenges:
Challenges are a key factor in your job. Every day when you encounter different challenges, you grow as a person and as an employee. If your job does not have anything interesting you will have to explore the dimensions of your job and see if you could make your profile more worthwhile. Setting up goals, thinking of how to make your job creative and how to improve your productivity is something you can concentrate on. Take the initiative to create challenges for yourself.

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