9 Technologies That Deserve To Die

#6 Manned Spaceflight

We as human are triumphant for conquering space; stepping on the mythical, romance inciting space object, moon. More-so-ever U.S. can beat its chest like King Kong and pride on being first on moon.

The space trip costs millions of dollars, and astronauts are dare devils who can risk their life for knowledge and glory. Ultimately all sums up into goal oriented space excursions, which if achieved even without sending a man in space is ok. So there’s a call for technology which can make the astronauts space travel less dare-devil sort of exercise, or something which obsoletes the need for astronauts.       

#5 Nuclear weapons

“The discovery of nuclear reactions need not bring about the destruction of mankind any more than the discovery of matches.” Albert Einstein said “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” The two quotes from the genius scientist hint at what nuclear weapons can do. Though nuclear power can offer solution to present energy crises, may propel future space crafts to explore universe; it also is a dreaded power which has potential to obliterate our blue home.. We have been a witnesses to biggest vile a human can commit to another human. Hiroshima and Nagasaki episode is forever etched in to our common psyche. But are we taking notice of? Can we curb our obsession to horde nuclear weapons, which has no other use than bring chaos onto us? What if a fanatic gets his hands on these weapons? These questions for sure will make you squeal.